Air Curtain

By installing it at the top of an entrance with a lot of traffic, it creates a curtain of air creating a pleasant environment inside the cold storage room while efficiently keeping the internal temperature constant.

Effect of Installing Air Curtain

2Blocks side wind and odors
3Prevents dust and pests from entering the space

Reason for Selecting Leehwa Polytech’s Air Curtain

  • Low noise due to dual motor set-up
  • Even air flow due to excellent outlet structure
  • Easy to install and maintain/inspect due to small size·low weight
  • Strong air flow due to straightness and even distribution of air output

Strip Door

Creates a pleasant workspace and reduces energy costs by preventing energy loss and dust·pests caused by frequent opening and closing of the door. In addition, it increases work efficiency by allowing personnel and transport vehicles to safely and easily enter/exit the space.

제품의 종류

종류 사용온도 용도
일반용 -10~70℃ 실내작업장, 칸막이, 섬유공장, NC기계 작동공장, 컴퓨터실 등 범용
내한용(2T) -20~65℃ 개방작업장, 냉장창고 등 동절기 보온용
초내한용(3T) -35~60℃ 냉동창고, 제빙공장, 빙과류 제조공장 등 보냉용

Floor Heater

Prevents freezing at the bottom of insulated doors with high traffic volume


길이(㎜) 폭(㎜)
조절가능 500